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Further details can be found on Google Scholar, ResearchGate and


2024  G. Simon and K. Kay. Doing Political Ecology Routledge Press, New York, NY

2017  G. Simon. Flame and Fortune in the American West: Urban Development, Environmental Change and the Great Oakland Hills Fire University of California Press, Oakland, CA (Book 1 of the Critical Environments: Nature, Science and Politics book series. Eds. Guthman J, Kosek J, Lave R.)

2012  S. Dooling and G. Simon. (Co-Editors) Cities, Nature, Development: The Politics and Production of Urban Vulnerabilities Ashgate Publishing. Aldershot, UK. 


Peer Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters

2023  L. Johnson, M. Mikulewicz, P. Bigger, R. Chakraborty, A. Cunniff, PJ. Griffin, V. Guermond, N. Lambrou, M. Mills-Novoa, B.              Neimark, S. Nelson, C. Rampini, P. Sherpa, G. Simon. Intervention: The invisible labor of climate change adaptation.  

           Global Environmental Change, 83, 102769.

2023  NJ. Crane, A. Cooke, C. Ergler, P. Griffen, M. Holton, K. Rhiney, C. Robinson, GL. Simon'Whose Geography do we    

           Review?' Geography Compass 17:2 e12676

2022  G. Simon'Disingenuous Natures and Post-Truth Politics: Five Knowledge Modalities of Concern in Environmental

           Governance' Geoforum 132, pp. 162-170 

2022  T. Birkenholtz and G. Simon. 'Introduction to Themed Issue: Ignorance and Uncertainty in Environmental Decision 

           Making' Geoforum 132, pp. 154-161

2022  G. Simon, B. Wee, D. Chatti, E. Anderson. 'Drawing on Knowledge: Visual Narrative Analysis for Critical Environment and              Development ResearchEnvironment and Planning E: Nature and Space 5:1 pp. 293-317 

2021  G. Simon, C Peterson, E Anderson, B Berve, M Caturia, I Rivera. 'Multiple Temporalities of Household Labour:      

           The Challenge of Assessing Women’s Empowerment' Development and Change 55:2 pp. 289-315 

2020  C. Eriksen, G. Simon, F. Roth, S. Lakhina, B. Wisner, C. Adler, F. Thomalla, A. Scolobig, K. Brady, M. Brundl, F. Neisser, M.                Grenfell, L. Maduz, T. Prior. 'Rethinking the Interplay Between Vulnerability and Affluence to Aid Climate Change                            Adaptive Capacity' Climatic Change 162:1 pp 25-39

2020  A. Chin, G. Simon, P. Anthamatten, K. Kelsey, B. Crawford, A. Weaver. 'Pandemics and the Future of Human-Landscape                Interactions' Anthropocene 31, 100256

2019  G. Simon and C Peterson. 'Disingenuous Forests: A Historical Political Ecology of Fuelwood Collection in South India'

            Journal of Historical Geography 63:1 pp 34-47

2018  G. Simon. 'The Rise of Disingenuous Natures and Neoliberal Stealth Unknown-Knowns' Environment and Planning E:    

           Nature and Space pp. 47-51 (In, Reflecting on Neoliberal Natures: An Exchange P. Bigger, J. Dempsey, A. Asiyanbi, K.                    Kay, R. Lave, B. Mansfield, T. Osborne, M. Robertson, G. Simon)

2018  G. Simon. 'How the West Was Spun: The De-politicization of Fire in the American West' In, Handbook on Critical Physical              Geography Eds. R. Lave, C. Biermann, S. Lane. Palgrave Macmillan

2017  C Eriksen and G Simon. 'The Affluence-Vulnerability Interface: Intersecting Scales of Risk, Privilege and Disaster'

 Environment and Planning A 49:2 pp. 293-313

2017  G Simon. 'Don't Blame California Wildfires on a 'Perfect Storm of Weather Events' The Conversation 

2016  A. Kinoshita, A. Chin, G. Simon, C. Briles, T. Hogue, A. O’Dowd, A. Gerlak, A. Uribe. 'Wildfire, Water and Society: Toward 

           Integrative Research in the “Anthropocene”' Anthropocene 16 pp. 16-27

2016  G. Simon. 'How Regions Do Work, and the Work We Do: A Constructive Critique of Regions in Political Ecology'

  Journal of Political Ecology 23 pp. 197-203

2015  A. Chin, L. An, J.L. Florsheim, L.R. Laurencio, R.A. Marston, A.P. Solverson, G. Simon, E. Stinson, E. Wohl. 'Investigating      

           feedbacks in human-landscape systems: Lessons following a wildfire in Colorado, USA' Geomorphology 252 pp.40-50

2014  G. Simon. 'Vulnerability-in-Production: A Spatial History of Nature, Affluence and Fire in Oakland, California'

 Annals of the Association of American Geographers 104:6 pp. 1199-1221

2014  G. Simon. 'If You Can’t Stand the Heat, Get Into the Kitchen: Obligatory Passage Points and Mutually Supported      

           Impediments at the Climate-Development Interface' Area 46:3 pp. 268-277

2014  R. Lave, M. Wilson, E. Barron, C. Biermann, M. Carey, M. Doyle, C. Duvall, L. Johnson, M. Lane, J. Lorimer, N. McClintock, D.            Munroe, R. Pain, J. Proctor, B. Rhoads, M. Robertson, J. Rossi, N. Sayre, G. Simon, M. Tadaki, and C. Van Dyke.           

           'Intervention: Critical Physical Geography' The Canadian Geographer 58:1 pp. 1-10

2014  G. Simon, R. Bailis, J. Baumgarner, J. Hyman, A. Laurent. 'Current Debates and Future Research Needs in the Clean 

           Cookstove Sector' Energy for Sustainable Development 20 pp. 49-57

2013  G. Simon and S. Dooling. 'Flame and Fortune in California: The Material and Political Dimensions of Vulnerability'

 Global Environmental Change 23:6 pp. 1410-1423

2013  G. Simon and P. Alagona. 'Contradictions at the Confluence of Commerce, Consumption and Conservation; or, An REI    

           Shopper Camps in the Forest, Does Anyone Notice?' Geoforum 45 pp. 225-236

2013  G. Simon, B. Wee, A. Chin et al. 'Synthesis for the Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences: Integrating Systems    

           Approaches and Service Learning' Journal of College Science Teaching 42:5 pp. 46-53

2012  G. Simon, A. Bumpus, P. Mann. 'Win-Win Scenarios at the Climate-Development Interface: Challenges and Opportunities

           for Cookstove Replacement Programs Through Carbon Finance' Global Environmental Change 22:1 pp. 275-287

2012  H. Bischel, G. Simon, T. Frisby, D Luthy. 'Management Experiences and Trends for Water Reuse Implementation in    

           Northern California' Environmental Science and Technology 46 pp. 180-188

2012  G. Simon. 'Development, Risk Momentum and the Ecology of Vulnerability: A Historical-Relational Analysis of the 1991                Oakland Hills Firestorm' In, Cities, Nature, Development: The Politics and Production of Urban Vulnerabilities Eds. G.                    Simon and S. Dooling. Ashgate Publishing Aldershot, UK.

2012  P. Alagona and G. Simon. 'Leave No Trace Starts at Home: A Response to Critics and Vision for the Future' Ethics, Policy              and Environment 15:1 pp. 119-124

2011  D. Biehler and G. Simon. 'The Great Indoors: Research Frontiers on Indoor Environments as Active Political Ecological      

           Spaces' Progress in Human Geography 35: 2 pp. 172-192

2011  G. Simon. 'The 100th Meridian, Ecological Boundaries and the Problem of Reification' Society and Natural Resources               24:1 pp. 95-101

2010  G. Simon. 'Mobilizing Cookstoves for Development: A Dual Adoption Framework Analysis of Collaborative Technology                 Innovations in Western India' Environment and Planning A 42 pp. 2011-2030

2010  G. Simon and J. Graybill. 'Geography in Interdisciplinarity: Towards a Third Conversation' Geoforum 41: 3 pp. 356-363

2010  P. Alagona and G. Simon. 'The Role of Field Study in Humanistic and Interdisciplinary Environmental Education'

  Journal of Experiential Education 32: 3 pp. 191-206

2009  G. Simon. 'Geographies of Mediation: Market Development and the Rural Broker in Maharashtra, India'

 Political Geography 28:3 pp. 197-207

2009  G. Simon and P. Alagona. 'Beyond ‘Leave no Trace’' Ethics, Policy and Environment 12:1 pp. 17-34

2006  S. Dooling, G. Simon, K. Yocom. 'Place-Based Urban Ecology: A Century of Park Planning in Seattle' Urban Ecosystems               9:4 pp. 299-321

2006   J. Graybill, S. Dooling, A. Greve, V. Shandas, J. Withey, G. Simon. 'A Rough Guide to Interdisciplinarity: Graduate Student               Perspectives' Bioscience 56: 9 pp. 757-763

Gregory L Simon

Department of Geography and Environmental Science

University of Colorado Denver

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